The Keepsakes Collection was Legacy Republic’s line of premium photo décor and personalized gifting products. As the project manager, I led from conception to national launch, sourcing the highest-quality manufacturing partners, negotiating wholesale pricing, curating our unique collections, working with designers to create themes, collaborating with product and engineering teams to build order workflow, including custom digital previews, producing seasonal catalogs, training sales reps and customer service, coordinating announcements and PR, and driving holiday and seasonal campaigns.
Creative direction for photo shoots and layouts, print coordination and distribution.
Digital Campaigns
Published weekly emails, social content, photo contests, and seasonal campaigns (Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Christmas, Moms and Memories).
Concept and style for local events for customers to experience our collections in a beautiful display and storytelling. Scaled to over 2,300 events, with themed displays for top gifting seasons and evergreen gift giving.